Information Breakfasts

Breakfasts With a Fresh Perspective

For prospective members

Executive Agenda is a learning experience. Why not sample a little of that experience and see if EA is right for you?

What kinds of people make up an EA group? Who are the EA Group Chairs? How does it feel to work an issue using the Seven Step Process? What would be expected of me? Join us at breakfast and find out.

You'll interact with other prospective members, meet some of the Group Chairs/Executive Mentors, see the staff in action, hear what current members have to say, work a real business issue, and discover why membership in Executive Agenda is the professional and personal development method of choice for over 500 of Wisconsin's foremost business leaders.

No one will try to sell you on Executive Agenda. EA is not sold or bought. It is a membership organization. Prospective members are invited to join when the prospective member and an EA group believe the fit is right.


Come experience first-hand how Executive Agenda has earned the trust of, and is valued by, so many Wisconsin companies and organizational leaders.